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AAHMA Constitution

日期:2012-09-04 10:33 来源:黄埔同学会 作者:

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  (Approved on November 13, 1993)


  Article 1: The name of this organization shall be the Alumni Association of the Huangpu Military Academy (hereinafter referred to as "AAHMA"). It is a patriotic, non-governmental organization composed of alumni of the Huangpu Military Academy.

  Article 2: The purposes of the AAHMA are to carry forward the Huangpu spirit, enhance communication between Huangpu alumni, promote national reunification, and make contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  Article 3: Membership is open to all Huangpu alumni who recognize this Constitution and whose application has been approved by the Board of Directors. Any overseas alumni association or fellowship society of the Huangpu Military Academy which recognizes this Constitution and submits an official application for membership can be admitted as a group member of the AAHMA with the approval of the Board of Directors.

  Membership will be canceled if a member or group of members is alleged to have violated the Constitution and their behavior does not improve even after a warning.

  ArticIe 4: The AAHMA shall appoint one president and several executive vice presidents, advisors, and councilors to the Board of Directors, which is duty-bound to take charge of the association's affairs. The Board of Directors shall: establish subsidiary offices, committees, and institutions. The Directors Assembly shall take place once during each 12-month period to confer and make decisions regarding important matters, and appoint and dismiss directors, advisors, and vice presidents. The association's business shall be directed by the President's Office, composed of the president and vice presidents, in between directors assemblies.

  Based on the nominees for the President's Office, the Board of Directors shall appoint a secretary general and one to three executive deputy secretaries-general as required, to handle the routine business of the AAHMA's subsidiary organizations.

  Article 5: The Delegates Assembly shall be held once every five (5) years, to confer on the Work Report of the President's Office; elect, appoint and, if necessary, dismiss any officer, appointee or staff member; and make decisions on important matters of the association. The delegates shall be selected through recommendation and discussion.

  Article 6: If necessary, the Directors Assembly and the Delegate Assembly can be held in advance or postponed.

  Article 7: The AAHMA shall be headquartered in Beijing, China.

  Article 8: Any proposed revision to the Constitution shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for examination and approval The interpretation right of the Constitution shall be held by the AAHMA’s Board of Directors.

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